《次韻孔常父送張天覺河東提刑》 蘇軾

宋代   蘇軾 送君應典鷫鸘裘,次韵常父憑仗千鍾洗別愁。孔常




《次韻孔常父送張天覺河東提刑》蘇軾 翻譯、賞析和詩意







整首詩詞表達了蘇軾對張天覺的祝福和對他未來前程的期望。通過對送別場景和一些隱喻的描繪,詩人展現了對張天覺的關懷和鼓勵,同時也透露了對他的期待《次韻孔常父送張天覺河東提刑》 is a poem written by Su Shi during the Song dynasty. Below is the Chinese translation, poetic meaning, and analysis of the poem:

I send you off, dressed in a luxurious egret-feather robe,
Relieve your parting sorrow with a thousand cups of wine.
Remove your official hat, the elegant Chief Clerk remains,
(You are fond of grass script calligraphy but lack expertise, thus I jest.)
Your family lineage lies with the Marquis of Liuyang.
(Zhang Gang, the great-great-grandson of Zifang, comes from Wuyang. His tomb is now in Pengshan. Are you not his descendant?)

Horses from the Zi River compete to emerge swiftly,
(Lin Mansion's horses, from the Zi River estuary.)
The weary soldiers of Zhaoyi have little respite.
(During the Tang dynasty, Zhaoyi was known for its infantry, perhaps referring to the archers of Zelu.)
In the autumn mountains, you find excellent verses,
Thus, through the ancient pass, golden leaves fill your journey.

Poetic Meaning and Analysis:
This poem, "In Reply to Kong Changfu's Farewell to Zhang Tianjue, Judge of Hedong," was written by Su Shi to bid farewell to Zhang Tianjue. The poem expresses the poet's blessings and expectations for Zhang's future while depicting the farewell scene and incorporating various allusions.

The poem begins with the farewell scene. Su Shi mentions that the one bidding farewell should be dressed in a luxurious egret-feather robe, symbolizing nobility and honor. He metaphorically suggests washing away the sorrow of parting with a thousand cups of wine, expressing his concern and good wishes for Zhang Tianjue to alleviate his sadness.

Next, Su Shi employs allusions and metaphors to praise and expect great things from Zhang Tianjue. He remarks that Zhang Tianjue is not skilled in calligraphy but has a fondness for grass script. This playful remark may indicate a teasing tone towards Zhang Tianjue. Su Shi then mentions Zhang Tianjue's ancestral heritage as a descendant of the Marquis of Liuyang, implying his distinguished family background. The mentioned Zhang Gang is Zhang Tianjue's ancestor, and Su Shi questions whether Zhang Tianjue can truly inherit the legacy of the Marquis, suggesting both expectations and challenges.

In the last two lines of the poem, Su Shi portrays horses from the Zi River rushing out in competition and the weary soldiers of Zhaoyi having little respite. These scenes symbolize the challenges and pressures Zhang Tianjue is about to face. However, Su Shi mentions that Zhang Tianjue finds excellent verses in the autumn mountains and travels through the ancient pass with golden leaves filling his journey. This could imply that Zhang Tianjue can find inspiration and opportunities amidst adversity and overcome difficulties.

The entire poem expresses Su Shi's blessings and expectations for Zhang Tianjue's future. Through depictions of the farewell scene and various metaphors, the poet demonstrates his care and encouragement for Zhang Tianjue while revealing his hopes and aspirations.

* 此內容來自古詩詞愛好者,僅供參考

《次韻孔常父送張天覺河東提刑》蘇軾 拚音讀音參考

cì yùn kǒng cháng fù sòng zhāng tiān jué hé dōng tí xíng

sòng jūn yìng diǎn sù shuāng qiú, píng zhàng qiān zhōng xǐ bié chóu.
tuō mào fēng liú yú zhǎng shǐ, jūn xǐ cǎo shū ér bù gōng, gù yǐ cǐ wéi xì.
mái lún jiā shì běn liú hóu.
zhāng gāng, zǐ fáng qī shì sūn yě, qián wéi wǔ yáng rén.
mù zài jīn péng shān, jūn qǐ qí hòu yé? zi hé jùn mǎ fāng zhēng chū, lín fǔ mǎ, chū zi hé chà.
zhāo yì pí bīng yì shǎo xiū.
táng chēng zhāo yì bù bīng, gài zé lù gōng jiàn shǒu.
dìng xiàng qiū shān dé jiā jù, gù guān huáng yè mǎn xíng zhōu.


* 《次韻孔常父送張天覺河東提刑》次韻孔常父送張天覺河東提刑蘇軾原文、翻譯、賞析和詩意专题为您介绍:《次韻孔常父送張天覺河東提刑》 蘇軾宋代蘇軾送君應典鷫鸘裘,憑仗千鍾洗別愁。脫帽風流餘長史,君喜草書而不工,故以此為戲。)埋輪家世本留侯。張綱,子房七世孫也,犍為武陽人。墓在今彭山,君豈其後耶?)子河 的古诗全文、翻译备注、注释释文、拼音读音、品鉴赏析、古诗诗意以及网友评论信息。



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