《新秋雨夜西齋文會》 梅堯臣

宋代   梅堯臣 夜色際陰霾,新秋西斋新秋西斋析和燈青謝客齋。雨夜雨夜译赏




《新秋雨夜西齋文會》梅堯臣 翻譯、賞析和詩意







總體來說,這首詩詞以細膩的筆觸描繪了一個秋天夜晚的景象,通過對客齋、梧桐樹、紗簾、飲酒和言談等元素的描繪,展現了詩人內心的情感和思考。詩人表達了對孤獨和寂寞的感受,對秋天的思念,對清新的言談的愉悅,以及對社會和命運的不滿和怨憤《新秋雨夜西齋文會》is a poem written by Mei Yaochen during the Song dynasty. Here is the Chinese translation of the poem, followed by an analysis of its meaning and appreciation:

Amidst the dark night, obscured by haze,
The lamp's dim light fades in the western studio, bidding farewell to guests.
The parasol tree grows in silence, inspiring contemplation,
The crimson silk stirs, evoking autumn's sentiments.
I prefer a modest drink, not seeking intoxication,
Clear words bring harmonious joy, never tiresome.
Who will sympathize with this humble Water Bureau official,
Singing bitter complaints alone on empty steps?

Meaning and Analysis:
This poem portrays the sense of solitude and melancholy experienced by the poet, Mei Yaochen, on an autumn night. Through the depiction of various elements such as the guest studio, the parasol tree, the moving silk curtain, and the act of drinking and conversing, the poet reveals his inner emotions and contemplation.

The poem begins with a description of the night sky covered by darkness and haze, creating a gloomy and oppressive atmosphere. The dim light of the lamp in the guest studio suggests the poet's feelings of loneliness and solitude. Next, Mei Yaochen describes the growth of the parasol tree and the slight movement of the silk curtain, expressing his contemplation and longing for autumn. The parasol tree growing in silence may trigger the poet's reflections on life and existence, while the movement of the silk curtain symbolizes the arrival of autumn, further stirring the poet's emotions and memories associated with the season.

On such a night, the poet prefers a modest drink instead of getting drunk. This indicates his pursuit of tranquility and elegance and reflects his attitude towards life. The pleasure derived from clear and harmonious conversation brings the poet joy that never becomes tiresome. This could refer to the poet engaging in conversations with like-minded friends or engaging in inner dialogue as a means of catharsis and solace.

The last two lines express the poet's bitterness and resentment. The poet refers to himself as "this humble Water Bureau official," highlighting his identity as a government official who feels the pain of loneliness and neglect. By singing bitter complaints alone on empty steps, the poet expresses his inner anguish and grievances, while also revealing his discontent with society and fate.

Overall, this poem delicately depicts an autumn night scene. Through the portrayal of the guest studio, the parasol tree, the silk curtain, drinking, and conversation, the poet reveals his inner emotions and contemplation. Mei Yaochen expresses his feelings of solitude and loneliness, longing for autumn, the joy derived from clear conversation, as well as his dissatisfaction and resentment towards society and fate.

* 此內容來自古詩詞愛好者,僅供參考

《新秋雨夜西齋文會》梅堯臣 拚音讀音參考

xīn qiū yǔ yè xī zhāi wén huì

yè sè jì yīn mái, dēng qīng xiè kè zhāi.
wú tóng shēng jìng sī, jiàng wěi dòng qiū huái.
xiǎo zhuó níng cí zuì, qīng yán bù yàn xié.
shuí lián hé shuǐ bù, yín kǔ yuàn kōng jiē.


* 《新秋雨夜西齋文會》新秋雨夜西齋文會梅堯臣原文、翻譯、賞析和詩意专题为您介绍:《新秋雨夜西齋文會》 梅堯臣宋代梅堯臣夜色際陰霾,燈青謝客齋。梧桐生靜思,絳緯動秋懷。小酌寧辭醉,清言不厭諧。誰憐何水部,吟苦怨空階。分類:作者簡介(梅堯臣)梅堯臣1002~1060)字聖俞,世稱宛陵 的古诗全文、翻译备注、注释释文、拼音读音、品鉴赏析、古诗诗意以及网友评论信息。



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